2cureX har i dag meddelt, at svenske Gainbridge Novus Nordic, som er ejet af Gainbridge Capital, har erhvervet 80.000 aktier i 2cureX.

Aktierne er erhvervet fra Jürgen Kupper, som er Managing Director i 2cureX GmbH. Jürgen Kupper har tidligere fået 169.600 aktier gennem et warrantprogram. Jürgen Kupper har derfor stadig en betydelig andel i 2cureX til trods for, at han sælger 80.000 aktier til Gainbridge Novus Nordic.

Cedric Jirsell, portefølje manager for Gainbridge Novus Nordic udtaler i denne forbindelse:

We find 2cureX a very interesting company at an interesting stage following its first commercial order last month. During 2021 they laid the foundation for an accelerated growth during 2022 and 2023 as already established partners across Europe start delivering orders. We are excited about this opportunity to get on board as an investor and become part of the forward journey.

Fernando Andreau, CEO for 2cureX udtaler:

We are delighted to welcome Gainbridge Novus Nordic on board. It’s a recognized and respected mid-term investor with a focus on innovation and growth and we see their interest in 2cureX as a recognition of the potential of the company. We are looking forward to further strengthening our investor base by attracting more Nordic and international institutional investors like them.