Linkfire har i dag meddelt, at de udnævner Tina Ndlovu Finsen som Chief People & Culture Officer. Tina skal dermed spille en central rolle for udviklingen af selskabets organisation.

Linkfire er en markedsledende SaaS marketingsplatform indenfor musik- og underholdningsbranchen. For et hurtigt voksende selskab som Linkfire, er det vigtigt både at bevare en god virksomhedskultur, hvor medarbejderne er glade samtidig med, at nye talenter skal tiltrækkes.

Tina Ndlovu Finsen har stor erfaring fra lignende stillinger, hvor hun senest kommer fra en stilling som Director of People and Culture hos AltaPay. Denne erfaring skal hun nu benytte til at udvikle en endnu stærkere organisation hos Linkfire.

Selskabets CEO, Lars Ettrup udtaler:

Tina is a strong addition to our company and management team, and we all look forward to working with her. I am proud of our organization, and what we have accomplished so far. I am also convinced that we need to focus on developing and nurturing the culture as we grow. Strong cultures build strong organizations, and it is important for us to ensure that our employees have the best possible work environment across all borders. Tina will be able to help us achieve that.